Page 12 - CARILEC CE Industry Journal_Oct_2019
P. 12

28 MW Content Solar, Jamaica, WRB Energy

            DRIVING MARKET                                      change capriciously and be subject to shifts in political
            TRANSFORMATION:  TRADE-OFFS                         administrations or swayed by individual interests.
            ARE INEVITABLE, STAKEHOLDER                         First and foremost, policy needs to remain constant to
            BUY-IN IS CRITICAL AND                              achieve mutual goals while being realistic and responsive to
                                                                market conditions. It’s a balance between understanding
            DISRUPTORS WILL EMERGE.                             the  characteristics  of  the  region  and  the  impacts  of
                                                                technology and economics.  Often, there is asymmetry in
            With a level, consistent playing field for renewable energy   knowledge and a gap between theoretical and real market
            development, the market drivers, including utilities,   conditions. Policy makers need to understand what makes
            independent power producers, investors, and developers   sense from a technological and financial perspective.
            have the necessary knowledge and insights to make
            appropriate investment and economic decisions.      Regulators

            Utilities can focus on what they do best in forecasting,   Regulators want to develop a portfolio standard that
            planning, and securing sufficient, least-cost energy   makes sense in their region to meet goals, both from
            supplies for long-term reliability and high-quality,   technological and economic perspectives supporting
            affordable service delivery, as well as environmental   policy. What  technologies meet targets?  What
            well-being to serve the public good.                technologies are appropriate for the geography and
                                                                resource—solar, wind, or geothermal?  How quickly can
            Investors can perform the required economic analysis   the echnologies be deployed, and at what cost?
            confidently to minimize risk and secure a reasonable   Effective regulation and oversight require an open and
            return on investment.                               honest conversation between utilities, government, and
                                                                other stakeholders that includes:
            Independent power producers and developers are more   •  Realistic analysis of the market conditions and
            assured of the rules of the tender process and the      economics
            contractual  responsibilities,  commitments,  and   •  A prudent, technology-agnostic approach
            timeframes.                                         •  Short- and long-term strategies for energy
                                                                    sustainability and affordability.
            ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES                          Clear, specific regulation helps create a level playing
                                                                field  that  accounts  for all costs  associated with  an
            The market drivers each have roles and responsibilities in   electric  system’s  capacity,  infrastructure,  and
            creating a stable energy marketplace that is realistic and   maintenance for reliability and  efficiency,  including
            economically sound.                                 frequency, voltage, and reserves.

            Policymakers                                        Regulation can also help ensure a well-defined tender process
                                                                for the procurement of energy and services that establishes
            Ideally, government, utilities, public interest groups, and   rules, responsibilities, and equitable pricing models. For
            other key stakeholders play a critical role in developing a   example, in  a tender for renewable energy (intermittent
            nation’s energy policy and regulatory protocols     power),  the additional costs associated with the integration of
            collaboratively. Otherwise, policy and regulation can   that energy onto the grid need to be acknowledged.

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