Page 3 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
P. 3

Editorial                                                        Contents

                         The electric utility industry has not previously   2  Caribbean Electricity Industry
                         experienced  a  viable  disruptive  threat  to  its   Regulation: Electric Industry
                         business model due to the economic value of     Regulation And Best Practice
                         its product and customer reliance. However,
                         a  convergence  of  technological  innovation,
                         regulatory policy, economic and other changes
        in consumer objectives and preferences has created an opportunity   9  Powering the Virgin Islands
        for  the  implementation  of  a  viable  alternative  to  the  centralized   with Propane
        electric utility business model.

        This  confluence  of  factors  has  underpinned  the  need  for  the   10 Breaking the Caribbean
        impending  transformation  of  the  electric  utility  industry  but  the   Power Generation
        key  enablers  such  as  energy  policy,  legislation  and  regulations   Diesel Fuel Dependency
        are lagging behind changes in technology and the industry. The
        current electric utility regulatory model in the Caribbean region is
        undoubtedly incompatible with the evolving industry whose mandate,   16 DME - An Alternate Fuel to Diesel for
        in the context of sustainable development is to: “promote available,   Power Generation in the Caribbean
        accessible  and  affordable  electricity  to  benefit  the  environment,
        the  economy  and  society;  maximise  economic  use  of  low-  and   20 A Vacation from Diesel:
        zero-carbon  emitting  generation.  Make  economical  end-use  of
        energy  sources;  and  maximise  the  efficiency  and  minimise  the   EVRs Are Changing the Formula for
        environmental impacts of the generation, transmission, distribution   Backup Power Generation at Resorts,
        and the use of electricity in a cost-effective manner”.          Hotels and Casinos

        The  potential  “game  changers”  to  the  Caribbean  electric  utility
        industry  are  likely  to  dramatically  impact  customers,  employees,   24 Wireless Field Area
        investors, and the availability of capital to fund future investment in   Communications Networks for
        the regional utility industry. While the timing of such transformative   Smart Grids
        changes is unclear, the industry and its stakeholders must proactively
        assess  the  impacts  and  opportunities  available  to  address  the
        challenges in a timely manner.                              28   Evaluating Lineworker
        CARILEC will utilize the benefits of lessons learned from the industry
        in other parts of the world to strategically develop and position its   32 Introduction of an Easy Method
        member  electric  utilities  so  as  to  maintain  a  significant  positive
        impact on the economic development of the Caribbean region and   to Analyze the Influence of CT
        benefit customers, investors and the utilities.                  Saturation on the Protection System

        Ultimately, all stakeholders must embrace the change in technology   38 Video Monitoring Solutions
        and appropriate change in the regulatory and utility business models
        in order to maintain a viable utility industry.                  for Electric Utilities - Issues,
                                                                         Requirements and Examples

        Andrew Thorington
        Project Manager - CARILEC
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