Page 18 - CARILEC CE Industry Journal_Oct_2019
P. 18

Climate Change Financing:

           The Breakthrough for the Caribbean’s

           Sustainable Energy Transition?

            - Judith Ephraim-Schmidt, Programme Coodinator for the Sustainable Energy Unit
            of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission

            INTRODUCTION                                        key outcome sought from sustainable energy is the
                                                                reduction in energy costs which will have positive ripple
            There is a well-recognized, inextricable link between   effects on other sectors, helping to stimulate economic
            climate change and energy. Climate change has       growth and increasing the competitiveness of the region.
            emerged as a global problem which requires innovative   The Caribbean has a particularly diverse and large
            and collective effort to address it. Energy drives almost   supply of renewable energy resources relative to the
            all aspects of life as we know it. The impacts of climate   region’s energy needs but this has not been developed to
            change are many, and in some cases irreversible     any significant level. Amongst the barriers to realizing
            damage has already been done. For the Small Islands   the full potential of the Caribbean’s renewable energy is
            Developing States, SIDS, including Caribbean SIDS,   financing. This is not unusual for developing countries
            climate change action is both a priority and a dilemma.   who often struggle to access the large quantities of
            SIDS are amongst the most vulnerable countries to the   upfront financing needed for renewable energy
            negative impacts of climate change, yet their       investments. Even when available, the cost of financing
            contributions of global greenhouse gas emissions is   is often substantially higher than in developed countries.
            negligible. SIDS contribute less than 1 per cent to the   Given their upfront capital intensity, renewable energy
            world’s greenhouse gas emissions, these countries are   projects are particularly sensitive to high costs of debt
            among the first to experience the worst and most    and equity. Innovative solutions are therefore needed to
            devastating impacts of climate change (UNDP 2017).    help de-risk and realise the renewable energy projects.
            Reducing the level of greenhouse gases in the       This will ultimately improve the competitiveness of
            atmosphere, the main culprits responsible for global   renewable energy projects in the region and help boost
            warming, requires a shift in our energy sources and   economic growth and resilience.
            consumption patterns. Sustainable energy clearly
            contributes to Climate Change Mitigation, the term used   Caribbean SIDS have recognized the potential benefits of a
            to describe actions that reduce the greenhouse gas   shift  towards  sustainable  energy.  To  this  end,
            emissions.  Although the impetus for sustainable energy   Governments, utilities, businesses and even home owners
            on SIDS is not primarily climate change, opportunities   are embracing measures to adopt renewable energy. The
            exist to build on synergies between the two areas and to   transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy and
            propose measures to achieve shared goals. Financing is   increased energy efficiency will require significant levels of
            one area that needs to be further explored to capitalize   investments particularly for  Caribbean SIDS.  Whilst these
            on joint strategies for a sustainable energy future.  investments are expected to pay off within reasonable
                                                                timeframes, neither the governments or the private sector
                                                                in these countries have a ready source of funding for these
            ADVANCING THE SUSTAINABLE                           energy initiatives. In most cases, government are too
                                                                indebted to take on additional loans and even when
            ENERGY TRANSITION                                   financing may be available, access can be challenging due

                                                                to reasons of technical capacity and availability of
            Most Caribbean SIDS are largely dependent on imported   information  to  mention  a  couple.  A  key  to  solving  the
            fossil fuels for their energy needs. Sustainable energy   financing challenges for renewable energy projects in the
            and more explicitly, renewable energy, is expected to   Caribbean could lie in the financing opportunities linked to
            provide significant benefits to the region including   climate change. Global actions to address Climate Change
            increased energy security, reduction in expenditure on   is formalized under the United Nations Framework
            imported fossil fuels and technological advancement. A   Convention on Climate Change, the UNFCCC.

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